Tag Archives: Sweden

Mackmyra ‘Brukswhisky’

Bought – Amazon, 9th December 2013

95.5/100 – Whisky Bible 2013
90-93/100 – Daniel Jakobsen – His review on YouTube

Mackmyra popped onto my radar back in July 2013 before I’d decided to focus my collection on Scottish single malts. I’d read about this Swedish distillery in the book ‘101 Whiskies to Try Before You Die’ by Ian Buxton and thought it sounded very interesting. The book talks about the First Edition release which Ralfy gives 89/100 in his YouTube video here back in 2011. When Ralfy gets close to 90 you know it’s an excellent dram!

I was all set to track down the First Edition when I bought the Whisky Bible 2013. The first whisky mentioned for Mackmyra is ‘Brukswhisky’ getting 95.5/100 and the comment “One of the most complex and most beautifully structured whiskies of the year. A Mackmyra masterpiece, cementing the distillery among the world’s true greats.”

And the final element that convinced me to get the Brukswhisky was Daniel Jakobsen’s video review mentioned above. A must for any whisky collector or for someone who likes a dram and fancies something different!

Mackmyra Brukswhisky 70cl